Friday, August 13, 2010

Where to place the kitchen in the house

   The kitchen is important room in your house decorated with great attention, a space that should look good in terms of design, but also be functional. To enjoy a beautiful and useful kitchen, even if the space you have available is not very large, you must follow several steps. 

   The kitchen should to be oriented to the Northeast or Northwest, so it can be sunny in the morning or afternoon. The explication for this is simple: to the north light from the sun is constant and uniform. If there are any windows in the kitchen, it is best to place the kitchen sinks under the window.

   If you live in a house, you  certainly have space to arrange a courtyard garden, even a vegetable garden. It is advisable that the kitchen be in direct connection with the garden and cellar. Also, the kitchen should be directly connected with the space for dining. In this way, the effort to bring food from kitchen to dining room is minimal.

   Finishing materials used in the kitchen are varied, but most common are ceramic tiles and washable paint. It depends on your imagination what kind of tiles, colors, and textures will you choose. Remember, though, that you need a lot of  plugs into the kitchen and also you need good air ventilation. It is indicated the existence of both a hood and an additional ventilation system.

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